Miami Nightlife

Known for its sultry girls and A-list DJs, Miami is the perfect place to party until the sun comes up. The city is also home to some of the best megaclubs in the world. Whether you want to rock out with a Budweiser or try your luck with chariot racing, you’ll have the time of your life in Miami. The city is also home to the best bartenders in America.

Miami has a great jazz music scene. You can also try your hand at salsa. Known as a combination of Cuban dances and American dances, it’s a great way to get acquainted with the local culture. There are also many great performing arts venues. For example, the Museum of Contemporary Art in North Miami hosts free jazz concerts on the plaza.

The Perez Art Museum is a great spot for art aficionados!

The American Airlines Arena is a great venue for music lovers. It also features a variety of restaurants. Many of the restaurants serve quality food. If you’re hungry after the show, you can check out the restaurants.

The Nikki Beach Club is a hot spot for jet-setters and famous people. The club offers great drinks, fabulous cabanas, and lounge beds. Guests can also enjoy great food and great DJs. The club’s set list usually features internationally acclaimed DJs.

If you’re looking for a place to dance, the Nikki Beach Club is a great place to go. You can get in early by booking a VIP package. The VIP package includes hotel transport. It’s a great way to skip the lines and get to the door faster.

Another great spot for dancing is the Miami Beach venue. The venue has a rooftop bar and aerial dancers. You can also watch the sunrise early in the morning. The venue also features a happy hour. If you’re feeling thirsty, you can try one of the many great mojitos.

Miami’s clubs are often crowded. Make sure to arrive early to avoid waiting in line. You’ll also want to dress appropriately. Avoid wearing jeans or T-shirts. You can also get a VIP package that includes skip-the-line admission to 10 Miami clubs. You can also tip the doorman to get in faster.

You can also try a local brewery for a fun night out. Local bands play background music and the bartenders make sure the drinks are perfect. You can also take part in a game of pool or board games.

There are also a variety of clubs that double as dinner clubs. During the day, the clubs are full of skimpy girls. During the evening, the club emphasis shifts to drinking and dancing. You’ll often find groups of girls waiting outside the doors. These groups are usually allowed straight in. If you’re confident and want to skip the lines, you can ask a promoter to get you on the guest list.

Miami’s Best Restaurants

Miamis best restraunts

Whether you’re looking to dine on the beach, enjoy a sophisticated seafood dinner, or sip a drink with your mates, Miami is packed with restaurants. The city is known for its delicious seafood, sultry nightlife, and a lively farmers’ market. The city’s culinary scene continues to grow in both size and quality. In fact, a recent InsideHook Miami newsletter surveyed Miami’s restaurants and selected the ones with the best reviews. These are a few of Miami’s best restaurants.

Nobu Matsuhisa is one of the most popular restaurants in Miami. A favorite among locals and discerning travelers, Nobu Matsuhisa offers a menu of innovative, seafood-focused dishes. The restaurant’s interior features teak walls, white banquettes, and champagne by the glass. In addition, the restaurant features a large outdoor terrace.

In addition to its seafood-centric menu, Nobu Matsuhisa’s restaurant also features a raw bar. The raw bar features a variety of oysters, king crab, and Maine lobster. The restaurant also serves a selection of sushi and sushi rolls. The restaurant’s wine list is 80% Californian.

Another of the city’s most popular restaurants, La Petite Maison Miami, serves Mediterranean-fusion cuisine. In addition to its Mediterranean bites, the restaurant also serves a selection of Spanish bottles. The restaurant also has a large outdoor patio and banquettes. It also offers a wine list that is French-focused.

In addition to a waterfront location, Miami Beach has an outdoor venue that features Mediterranean bites, pizza, and a rotating lineup of performers. The area is also safe for vaccinated diners.

In addition to a great raw bar, RED South Beach also has a great selection of steaks and seafood. The restaurant also has a private dining room, which is a great choice for parties. The restaurant also offers a delicious selection of oysters, mussels, and other seafood. The restaurant’s raw bar is a favorite for locals and travelers alike.

Another of the city’s best restaurants, Doya, is a hidden gem. The restaurant is owned by a former Mandolin chef, and its design is stunning. The restaurant is also known for serving the city’s best Muhammara. The restaurant’s portions are huge, and guests can choose from a variety of dishes, including beef tenderloin with sesame and chilli, rock shrimp tempura, and rice hot pot with wild mushrooms.

Another Miami restaurant that offers a sophisticated dining experience is Villa Azur. This sophisticated restaurant has a St Tropez-inspired design, and it also features a large room with white wood columns and chandeliers. The interior also features contemporary leather furniture and a fireplace. The restaurant also has a vertical wall garden. The restaurant’s interior has natural earth tones, making it perfect for a cozy dinner.

Another Miami restaurant that serves seafood in a Japanese-themed setting is Zuma. Its large room features rice paper panels hanging from a triple-height ceiling, making it a popular option for every age group. The restaurant also serves prime New York strips and lobster. The restaurant also features a raw bar and a strong frozen cocktail selection.

But don’t exclude Fort Lauderdale! They also have delicious restaurants.  Ft Lauderdale restaurants such as Dune, offer unique experiences. In addition, most restaurants have an inviting and relaxing atmosphere, compared to the often stuffy Miami. With food like this, it’s no wonder people are selling their Ft Lauderdale houses at a premium price.

The History of Sushi

Until the 20th century, sushi was not widely known outside Japan. It was a fast food that was served by street vendors. After World War Two, however, the Great Kanto Earthquake caused the stalls to move indoors for sanitary reasons. As a result, sushi became popular in Japan. By the 1970s, sushi restaurants began to pop up in Tokyo and other cities, and the demand for sushi became higher. The economic boom and wave of Japanese immigrants helped sushi become popular in the U.S. and other Western countries.

The history of sushi dates back to Southeast Asia, where hill tribes used pickling techniques to preserve their fish. The practice of fermenting fish with rice and salt was first documented in the 3rd to 5th century B.C., and later spread to China. The rice and fish were stored in barrels for a few months. The vinegar used in the process was later added to the rice to cut the fermentation time. In the Azuchi-Momoyama period (1573-1603), people began eating the rice and fish together, creating the foundation for sushi.

The first sushi to appear in Japan was called narezushi, which means “pickled rice.” In this early form of sushi, raw fish was wrapped in vinegared rice. The rice wrapped around the fish allowed the fish to be stored for a longer period of time, and gave it an umami flavor. The lactic acid produced during the fermentation process protected the fish from rotting. The rice and fish were then discarded after the fermentation process was complete.

In the early 19th century, the first sushi stall appeared in the Ryogoku district of Edo. Hanaya Yohei, who lived in Edo during the 1820s, is credited with inventing the modern form of sushi, known as nigiri sushi. This new form of sushi was served in restaurants, and was eaten with other foods. The rice was wrapped around the fish, which made it difficult for flies to enter the rice. Eventually, the sushi was eaten with rice, which gave the dish a modern presentation.

Nigiri sushi became the standard in preparation. It was served alongside inarizushi, which was made by filling fried tofu skins with rice. After World War Two, refrigeration made it easier to preserve raw fish. Increasing demand for premium sushi in Japan led to the establishment of thousands of sushi restaurants. The demand for sushi increased exponentially in the 1970s. Restaurants also began to offer a variety of meats and other foods. In the United States, Japanese immigrants began to bring sushi to the West in the early 1900s. Despite the anti-Japanese sentiment, sushi became popular in America.

The Great Kanto Earthquake caused land prices in Tokyo to plummet, and allowed sushi vendors to move their carts indoors. Sushi restaurants quickly gained popularity, and by the late twentieth century, sushi had spread throughout the world. By the early 1990s, sushi restaurants were open in almost every country. Many were expensive, and most consumers were upper-class people.

Benefits of Quitting Caffeine


Caffeine is used by millions around the world to help them beat fatigue, improve concentration, and to get more energy. Unfortunately, caffeine, though legal, is still a stimulant that can have unpleasant side effects. Some people are more sensitive to the effects of caffeine than others, and many people do not realize their body has become accustomed to having caffeine. In fact, many people face the following withdrawal symptoms when they cut back on caffeine, migraines, irritability, anxiety, nausea, restlessness, and vomiting. [1]

Benefits of Quitting Caffeine:

Caffeine is known to raise your blood pressure, researchers are not sure why this is, but it’s suspected that caffeine can restrict your arteries.

Cutting back on caffeine can decrease your anxiety. Many users report feeling more anxious after having their cup of coffee, and that’s because caffeine is known to stimulate the adrenal glands.

Caffeine is known to stop headaches, but what most people don’t know is that regular caffeine consumption can result in what’s known as caffeine withdrawal headaches.

Weight loss. Many people don’t realize that their sugary caffeine drinks such as frappuccinos, energy drinks, and lattes are full of added sugars, especially if you add milk, sugar, and cream. And if you think you’re in the clear because you drink your coffee black, you can still gain weight because of how caffeine affects your sleep. You lose sleep when you’re caffeinated, and lack of sleep can lead to a lowered metabolism leading to fat being stored more easily in your body.

[1] Dews PB. et al. Caffeine: behavioral effects of withdrawal and related issues. Food Chem Toxicol. 2002 Sep;40(9):1257-61.

How Your Diet Affects Your Testosterone Levels

Men jogging

Testosterone levels naturally decline with age, but compared to generations in the past, and the modern man has lower levels of testosterone than his grandfather. Low testosterone can lead to symptoms such as depression, low sex drive, fatigue, an increase in body fat, irritability, and decreased muscle mass. Unfortunately, the modern diet does not help your testosterone levels at all. Here are some ways you can raise your testosterone levels naturally through proper diet and exercise.

Not eating enough saturated and monounsaturated fats can restrict your testosterone production. Although for years doctors have been saying cut back on fat, the truth is not all fats are created equal, your body knows the difference between healthy saturated fats, and polyunsaturated fats, and uses each one differently. It’s like sugar, sugar from fresh strawberries is more nutritionally complete compared to high fructose corn syrup. Numerous studies show when dieters consumer low-fat high fiber foods, their testosterone levels tank. Another study showed that participants who consumed olive and argan oil were able to increase their testosterone levels.

Cut back on alcohol. Alcohol not only contains tons of sugars and wrecks havoc on your gut bacteria, but it can also lead to weight gain, especially around the belly area. Did you know that having more fat around your belly correlates to lower testosterone? That’s because aromatase, an enzyme that converts your testosterone to estrogen, is found to have more significant activity around your belly. Try replacing beer with red wine, which is known to have high levels of resveratrol, an aromatase inhibitor.

Eat more garlic. Garlic contains allicin, which is a compound that can reduce cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone that can wreak havoc on your testosterone production. Studies show that elevated levels of cortisol can create lower your libido and testosterone.

Try taking a all natural supplement.  There are tons of multi-vitamin testosterone boosting supplements out there, so it may be confusing to know what’s real and what’s fake. Many of these natural supplements for men contain ingredients like vitamin D, fenugreek, Asian red ginseng, ginger, zinc, and magnesium. These are all ingredients that are known to boost testosterone production as well as elevate your free testosterone levels. It may seem weird to take a supplement, but the truth is the modern diet has a detrimental effect on testosterone. We don’t receive the micronutrients our body needs and craves. Natural multi-vitamins and supplements can help boost your testosterone levels naturally.

Oysters have been used as a natural aphrodisiac for centuries. Researchers have found out this may be because oysters are high in zinc. Low levels of zinc is correlated to low testosterone levels. In fact, zinc plays an important role in testosterone production and maintenance. It also plays a crucial part in keeping sperm healthy. Studies show men and women benefit from a dopamine boost, as well as a libido boost after eating oysters.

Get more vitamin D. There are numerous studies that show the correlation between vitamin D deficiencies and low testosterone. Researchers also find that when test subjects are given more vitamin D, their testosterone levels rise significantly. Try eating more fatty fish, mushrooms, and egg yolks to get more vitamin D. Also, spending more time in the sunlight can also help you get your vitamin D fix.

Foods That Can Lower Your Testosterone

Dairy products, polyunsaturated fats, and soy products may reduce testosterone levels in the body.  Diets high in bread and desserts are also linked to low testosterone levels.    Eating out regularly and not getting enough leafy vegetables can also lower your testosterone levels.  We suggest a paleo diet for balanced fats, and to get the optimal vitamins and nutrients from your foods.

How to Boost Testosterone Naturally

  • Eat more fresh fruit
  • Exercise regularly
  • Get plenty of sleep

Beginners Guide to a Raw Food Diet

Top view of raw food

The raw food diet, also known as raw foodism or raw veganism, is primarily made up of foods that are not processed or has not been processed or heated over a specific temperature. If the food has not been heated past 104-118°F, it is considered raw. If it has been refined, pasteurized, processed in any manner, or treated using pesticides, it is no longer considered raw.

If you’re wondering what you could create if you cannot cook the food, then fret not, as the raw food diet allows for many alternative cooking methods like dehydrating, soaking, sprouting, blending and juicing. Many raw food dieters eat a lot of plant-based foods, though many consumers also eat dairy, raw fish, raw meat, and raw eggs as well. Here are some foods you can eat while on this diet:

  • Any fresh fruit
  • Any raw, uncooked vegetables
  • Raw grains
  • Raw seeds
  • Dried fruit and meat
  • Nut milk
  • Fermented foods like sauerkraut
  • Sprouts
  • Nut butter & more

Benefits of Raw Food Diet

You get more nutrients from water-soluble vitamins such as vitamin B and C that are often destroyed by heat. Boiling vegetables can reduce the amount of water-soluble vitamins up to 50%. You’re also more likely to lose weight, starting on the raw food diet. The types of food you can eat on this diet are low in calories, sodium, fat, yet high in fiber. Because a raw food diet doesn’t contain added sugar, trans fats, or saturated fats, you are also lowering the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Other reported benefits are more energy, clearer skin, lower blood pressure, and a stronger immune system.

How Food Companies Add More Sugar To Your Food


Everyone knows how bad sugar is. It makes you gain weight and can lead to health issues such as diabetes. Most people are not aware of the amount of sugar they consume in a day. That’s because sugar is added to everything; there are very few products on the grocery shelf that don’t have added sugar in them. For instance, regular size single-serving cups of yogurt have up to 6 teaspoons (29 grams) of sugar. And did you know spaghetti sauce also contains sugar?

There are many types of sugars and sweeteners on the market, making it confusing for consumers to determine how much sugar is really in their food. You need to check for ingredients such as maltose, dextrose, fructose, and glucose because those are all also types of sugar. It would be best if you also watched out for the following:

  • Corn sweeteners
  • High-fructose corn syrup
  • Malt
  • Crystalline fructose
  • Dextran
  • Organic raw sugar
  • Palm sugar
  • Syrups: agave nectar, malt syrup, rice syrup, carob syrup, golden syrup, molasses

Certain products geared towards health and wellness try to say there are nutritional advantages to certain types of sugar, but the truth is too much sugar of any kind is bad.

Because there are so many different names for sugar, you could be looking at an ingredient list that contains more than three different types of sugars. This is a common marketing tactic employed by companies to trick people into thinking there is a smaller amount of sugar than there is.

How to Avoid Added Sugar

Cut back on sugary drinks: Drink more water, did you know that drinks like canned coffees, energy drinks, smoothies, and fruit juices count up to 44% of the sugar in the American diet?

Replace Sugar Loaded Deserts with Fruit

Cakes, pies, and brownies are all loaded with sugar. The sugar in these items can cause your blood pressure to spike up, leaving you craving more sugar. Try fresh fruit with Greek yogurt, a great probiotic with berries full of minerals and vitamins.

Be Aware Sugar Can Be Found In Sauces

Ketchup and barbecue sauce contain tons of sugar. Almost four tablespoons per serving. Try vinaigrettes, mustard, or fresh chili for that hot kick.

Be Aware Healthy Snacks May Be Chock Full of Sugar

Snacks marketed as healthy like protein bars, granola bars, and trail mix can contain more sugar than chocolate bars. Trail mix may be surprising, but you need to be aware that it’s full of natural sugar, and often there is added sugar. Look for ingredients that are 100% fruit, or eat a handful of nuts, which are packed with healthy fats and protein.