How Your Diet Affects Your Testosterone Levels

Testosterone levels naturally decline with age, but compared to generations in the past, and the modern man has lower levels of testosterone than his grandfather. Low testosterone can lead to symptoms such as depression, low sex drive, fatigue, an increase in body fat, irritability, and decreased muscle mass. Unfortunately, the modern diet does not help your testosterone levels at all. Here are some ways you can raise your testosterone levels naturally through proper diet and exercise.

Not eating enough saturated and monounsaturated fats can restrict your testosterone production. Although for years doctors have been saying cut back on fat, the truth is not all fats are created equal, your body knows the difference between healthy saturated fats, and polyunsaturated fats, and uses each one differently. It’s like sugar, sugar from fresh strawberries is more nutritionally complete compared to high fructose corn syrup. Numerous studies show when dieters consumer low-fat high fiber foods, their testosterone levels tank. Another study showed that participants who consumed olive and argan oil were able to increase their testosterone levels.

Cut back on alcohol. Alcohol not only contains tons of sugars and wrecks havoc on your gut bacteria, but it can also lead to weight gain, especially around the belly area. Did you know that having more fat around your belly correlates to lower testosterone? That’s because aromatase, an enzyme that converts your testosterone to estrogen, is found to have more significant activity around your belly. Try replacing beer with red wine, which is known to have high levels of resveratrol, an aromatase inhibitor.

Eat more garlic. Garlic contains allicin, which is a compound that can reduce cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone that can wreak havoc on your testosterone production. Studies show that elevated levels of cortisol can create lower your libido and testosterone.

Try taking a all natural supplement.  There are tons of multi-vitamin testosterone boosting supplements out there, so it may be confusing to know what’s real and what’s fake. Many of these natural supplements for men contain ingredients like vitamin D, fenugreek, Asian red ginseng, ginger, zinc, and magnesium. These are all ingredients that are known to boost testosterone production as well as elevate your free testosterone levels. It may seem weird to take a supplement, but the truth is the modern diet has a detrimental effect on testosterone. We don’t receive the micronutrients our body needs and craves. Natural multi-vitamins and supplements can help boost your testosterone levels naturally.

Oysters have been used as a natural aphrodisiac for centuries. Researchers have found out this may be because oysters are high in zinc. Low levels of zinc is correlated to low testosterone levels. In fact, zinc plays an important role in testosterone production and maintenance. It also plays a crucial part in keeping sperm healthy. Studies show men and women benefit from a dopamine boost, as well as a libido boost after eating oysters.

Get more vitamin D. There are numerous studies that show the correlation between vitamin D deficiencies and low testosterone. Researchers also find that when test subjects are given more vitamin D, their testosterone levels rise significantly. Try eating more fatty fish, mushrooms, and egg yolks to get more vitamin D. Also, spending more time in the sunlight can also help you get your vitamin D fix.

Foods That Can Lower Your Testosterone

Dairy products, polyunsaturated fats, and soy products may reduce testosterone levels in the body.  Diets high in bread and desserts are also linked to low testosterone levels.    Eating out regularly and not getting enough leafy vegetables can also lower your testosterone levels.  We suggest a paleo diet for balanced fats, and to get the optimal vitamins and nutrients from your foods.

How to Boost Testosterone Naturally

  • Eat more fresh fruit
  • Exercise regularly
  • Get plenty of sleep